EU: Netherlands causes headaches in Brussels
The outcome of the Dutch elections could prove to be difficult for the European Union in the long run, after the Eurosceptic, anti-Islam populist Party for Freedom (PVV) won the election with 37 seats.

Ukraine war: Russian Terror-Forces enter Slavutych and seize hospital

Russian war crime: 300 dead in Russian terror bombing in Mariupol theatre

Военные преступления России в Украине: половина детей потеряла свои дома!

Ukraine war: NATO agrees on "substantial increase" of forces in Eastern Europe, says Stoltenberg

Ukraine war: US finds Russian troops have committed war crimes

Zelenskyy warns EU: Russia will not stop in Ukraine

Russian war criminal Sergey Lavrov whines as a criminal about his own lies

NATO deploys new "Battle Groups" to eastern member states in response to Russian terror war in Ukraine

Måneskin stands by Ukraine and is against the Russian war criminals and cancels all appearances in Russia

EU, do not give the Russians a euro, do not continue to finance the terror of the Russians in Ukraine

Fight against Russian terror: EU decides on more military aid for Ukraine